Trains /
The Alstom Metropolis C851E (NEL) trains are the third generation of rolling stock for the North East Line.
6 trains of six cars were purchased, to be put into service from July 2023.
The new trains are fitted with condition monitoring systems to gather data from the equipment on the trains, enabling continuous monitoring of equipment health, allowing the operator to carry out predictive maintenance for the trains.
Utilising Alstom's Urbalis 300 Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) signalling system, these trains are capable of fully automated operations and can run without any train attendant on board.
Instead of utilising the commonly-used current collector shoes against the third-rail electrification system, these trains receive power through the pantograph, electrified by the overhead catenary system or the overhead conductor rail system.
Alstom Metropolis C851E (NEL)
North East Line
Built 2023
6 trains of 6 cars each, numbered 7087/7088 to 7097/7098
Contract 851E for the design and building of 11 new Circle Line (CCL) and six new North East Line (NEL) trains was awarded by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to Alstom Transport SA on 30 April 2018. The initial contract tender only included 11 CCL trains, with an additional six new NEL trains then included under modified contract terms.
These trains are purchased to cater for additional capacity when the North East Line Extension (NELe) and the Circle Line 6 (CCL6) begin operations in 2024 and 2026, respectively.
The trains are manufactured and assembled in Alstom's manufacturing facility in Barcelona, Spain, and shipped progressively to Singapore.
The first train arrived in Singapore on 4 April 2021, and will undergo testing and commissioning works before entering passenger service. The first C851E (NEL) train will enter passenger service on 28 July 2023, and will then boost the NEL fleet size by 14 per cent, from 43 to 49 trains, when all C851E trains have commissioned.
The C851E (NEL) trains carry the standard LTA livery on its exterior: a white and black background, with the line colours of the NEL down the lower half of the exterior.
The interior of the C851E (NEL) is largely similar to the second generation C751C train cars.
A uniformed interior colour scheme of purple is implemented across the whole train.
The reserved seats, catered for commuters with special needs, are differentiated in red.
The Dynamic Route Map Display panels provide commuters with their route information throughout their journey.
It also indicates which side the doors will open.
The Visual Passenger Information System displays useful travel information to passengers, such as the current and upcoming train stations the train will call at and other relevant travel messages.
DT: Driving trailer car; Mp: Motor car (Pantograph); Mi: Motor car (Intermediate)
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