Trains /
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CSR Qingdao Sifang C151A trains are the fourth generation of rolling stock for the North-South and East-West MRT lines.
35 trains of six cars were purchased under Contracts 151A and 151A VO (Variation Order) and have been in passenger service since 27 May 2011.
The trains are currently housed at the Bishan, Ulu Pandan, Changi and Tuas train depots.
Compared to the first three generations of NSEWL trains, the C151A trains come pre-installed with STARiS light-emitting diode (LED) route maps integrated above each train door.
The C151A trains had entered passenger service with the legacy Westinghouse FS2000 fixed-block signalling system, capable of semi-automated operations with operational input from train captains.
Utilising Thales' SelTrac Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) signalling system, the C151A trains are now capable of fully automated operations with a train captain manning on board.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CSR Qingdao Sifang C151A
North-South Line
East-West Line
Built 2011 - 2014
35 trains of 6 cars each, numbered 501/502 to 569/570
Contract 151A and 151A VO (Variation Order) for the design and building of 35 trains for the North-South and East-West MRT lines (NSEWL) was awarded by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to the consortium of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. and CSR Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd. on 6 May 2009 and on 29 August 2012.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries is responsible for the overall project management, design, manufacturing of bogies and procurement of major components, whereas CSR Qingdao Sifang is responsible for the overall manufacturing, fitting works and final assembly and factory testing. Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. is responsible for the delivery of the MRT trains to the depot, on-site testing and commissioning.
The Land Transport Authority initially procured 22 trains under Contract 151A on 6 May 2009, to complement Jurong East Modification Project (JEMP), which reduces the turnaround time for trains on the North-South Line (NSL), thereby increasing the capacity on the North-South Line, as well as the East-West Line (EWL), by about 15%.
The first four C151A trainsets – 503/504, 505/506, 507/508, 509/510 – entered passenger service on 27 May 2011, which coincides with the new platform opening at Jurong East station of the Jurong East Modification Project. An additional 13 more trains were procured under Contract 151A VO (Variation Order) on 29 August 2012, further increasing the capacity of the North-South and East-West MRT lines.
The first batch of 22 C151A trains entered passenger service between 2011 and 2012, while the second batch of 13 C151A VO (Variation Order) trains entered passenger service between 2013 and 2014, almost two to three years earlier than Kawasaki's schedule of the trains' arrival into Singapore between 2015 and 2016.
In 2016, all C151A trains were upgraded to be equipped with the Thales SelTrac Communications-Based Train Control moving-block signalling system under the Re-Signalling Project of Contracts 1652A and 1652B, awarded by SMRT Trains and Land Transport Authority on 1 February 2012.
Following the upgrade, two seats at both ends of the C151A train are replaced with a signalling box to house the new signalling equipments – the Vehicle On-Board Controller (VOBC) – configured in hot standby where the front Vehicle On-Board Controller is usually the active one, while the other one in passive, providing redundancy should one end fails by seamlessly switching to the other available Vehicle On-Board Controller.
The C151A trains carry a dark exterior livery: a dark background, with a red band down the middle, and a grey band at the bottom.
Similar to the C751B trains, the front of the train is slanted, giving it a more streamlined look.
A yellow LED display at the top-right corner of the train's head is used to indicate the train numbers.
There are three colour schemes in the train cars, with each colour applied to two cars of the train.
From the train ends to the middle cars, they are coloured pink (with red), baby blue (with blue), and turquoise (with emerald).
STARiS is installed in all C151A trains. The route-maps were built into the panel of the train and does not protrude out.
It provides commuters with their route information throughout their journey, and indicates which side the doors will open.
DT: Driving trailer car; M1/M2: Motor car
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