Alstom Innovia APM 300R (C801B)

The Alstom Innovia APM 300R (C801B) trains are the third generation of rolling stock for the Bukit Panjang LRT. These are rubber-tyred automated people mover (APM) trains, also referred to as light rail vehicles (LRVs), designed for small-scale automated guideway transit (AGT) systems.

19 train cars were purchased, capable of operating in single and double car formations, and will be housed at the Ten Mile Junction Depot.

These trains operate on an exclusive elevated guideway, unhampered by road and pedestrian traffic. Compared to the metal-wheeled MRT trains, these APM trains are fitted with rubber tyres and are relatively quiet during operations.

The smart misting windows of these trains are well-known over the Internet, with netizens intrigued by this innovative feature in protecting the privacy of residents living adjacent to the LRT line.

Utilising Alstom's Cityflo 650 Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) signalling system, these trains are capable of fully automated operations and can run without any train attendant on board.

These trains are equipped with better air-conditioning and ventilation systems, energy-efficient LED lighting, an Alternating Current (AC) propulsion motor with better running efficiency and a Train Control Management System for real-time train condition monitoring.

At a Glance

Alstom Innovia APM 300R (C801B)

Bukit Panjang LRT

Built 2024 - Current

19 train cars, numbered 133 to 151

The Alstom Movia APM 300R C801B trains are maintained by SMRT Trains.



The Land Transport Authority (LTA) awarded Alstom Transport (previously known as Bombardier Transportation) the contract to upgrade and renew the Bukit Panjang LRT (BPLRT) system on 7 March 2018.

Contract 801B includes the supply of 19 new Alstom Innovia APM 300R trains, jointly built by Alstom's joint venture, CRRC Puzhen Alstom Transportation Systems Co., Ltd. These trains will replace all of the existing first generation Bombardier INNOVIA APM 100 (C801) trains that have been in service since the opening of the BPLRT.

In tandem with the purchase of the new trains and the renewal works, SMRT Trains trialled an arrangement with Alstom to provide long-term service support for the BPLRT system for ten years. This arrangement allows Alstom to provide technical and logistic support as well as spares supply for the BPLRT system. Alstom will also provide training for the maintenance personnel to build up expertise and improve the maintenance regime for the new system.

The first train arrived in Singapore on 16 April 2022, where it will subsequently undergo testing and commissioning works before entering passenger service.

LTA said in a statement on 5 March 2024 that the C801B trains will enter passenger service in the third quarter of 2024. It was initially slated to enter service in end-2022.

On 30 April 2024, LTA revealed it has returned the first two C801B trains to CRRC Puzhen Alstom Transportation Systems, which were prototype vehicles, for necessary modifications, following rigorous testing. It added that the other vehicles that were subsequently delivered have the modifications already done.

The first two C801B trains officially entered passenger service on 1 August 2024.





The C801B trains feature a lightweight aluminium car body structure with the Land Transport Authority livery on its exterior.

Photo: Land Transport Authority


The C801B trains will come with a door system with higher reliability, an energy-efficient LED lighting system and a more reliable misting window.

Photo: Land Transport Authority


Technical Specifications


M: Motor car

CRRC Puzhen Alstom Transportation Systems Co., Ltd.
Number Built
19 cars
Train Numbers
133 – 151
Car Body Construction
Traction Control
IGBT-VVVF (Alstom Mitrac)
Line Voltage
600 V AC (nominal) from power rail
Rail Type
Centrally-mounted guide rail
Maximum Speed
55 km/h (design)
48 km/h (service)
Train Length
12.8 m (1 car)
25.6 m (2 cars)
Car Length
12.8 m
2.8 m
3.4 m
2.0 m wide, 4 per car
Seating Capacity
16 seats per car
