Trains /
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CRRC Qingdao Sifang C151C trains are the sixth generation of rolling stock for the North-South and East-West MRT lines.
12 trains of six cars were purchased and have been in passenger service since 30 September 2018.
The trains are currently housed at the Bishan, Ulu Pandan, Changi and Tuas train depots.
These trains receive power through its current collector shoes, fitted with a device shear-off sensor, electrified by the third-rail electrification system alongside the running rails.
These trains come with new commuter-centric features such as additional overhead handgrips, new foldable 'tip-up' seats and the STARiS 2 liquid crystal displays integrated above each train door.
Utilising Thales' SelTrac Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) signalling system, these trains are capable of fully automated operations with a train captain manning on board.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CRRC Qingdao Sifang C151C
North-South Line
East-West Line
Built 2018
12 trains of 6 cars each, numbered 701/702 to 723/724
Contract 151C for the design and building of 12 new trains for the North-South and East-West MRT lines (NSEWL) was awarded by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to the consortium comprising Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. and CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd. on 22 September 2015.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries is responsible for the overall project management, design, manufacture of bogie and procurement of major components, whilst CRRC Qingdao Sifang is responsible for the manufacture of the train body shell, fitting works, final assembly and factory testing.
Bearing close similarities to the 2011-commissioned Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CSR Qingdao Sifang C151A and the 2017-commissioned Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CSR Qingdao Sifang C151B trains, the C151C trains were purchased to further increase the capacity of the NSEWL after re-signalling works between 2017 and 2018.
The first trainset, 701/702, arrived in Singapore on 27 October 2017, with the first two trains entering passenger service on 30 September 2018.
The C151C trains carry the standard LTA livery on its exterior – a black-and-white livery base, with the line colours of the NSEWL, emphasised in the middle.
These trains use the same body shell as the C151B trains.
A yellow LED display at the top-right corner of the train's head is used to indicate the train numbers.
There are three colour schemes in the train cars, with each colour applied to two cars of the train.
Similar to the C151A and C151B trains, from the train ends to the middle cars, they are coloured pink (with red), baby blue (with blue), and turquoise (with emerald).
STARiS 2 is integrated into all C151C trains, with LCD displays and LED door opening indicators built into the panels above all 48 train doors.
It provides commuters with their route information throughout their journey and indicates which side the doors will open.
DT: Driving trailer car; M1/M2: Motor car
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